New Hope Pentecostal Church P.A. of W Springfield,MA

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"Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Matthew 16:18 KJV

Bishop Marion E. Shaw

"So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work."
Nehemiah 4:3 KJV

About the year of 1940 Elder Luther White was baptized in Jesus’ name and received the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues. Formerly, Elder White was an Ordained Minister and Pastor in the Methodist Church. The Lord directed Elder White to name the new Springfield Church, “New Hope Pentecostal Church”. For several years services were held in a small storefront at Congress and Dwight Streets.


Elder Allen who was already a member of the Pentecostal Church of Christ Inc., joined forces with the P.A. of W. and came into the Conn. State Council. He was made a District Elder in the P. A. of W., this took place about May 1950. As District Elder Allen’s responsibilities increased, he and the saints in Springfield sought, through prayer, a full-time Pastor.  District Elder Allen requested the help of Elder Samuel D. Reed, his wife Rosa Reed and their family.


From a newly rented storefront on Dwight St., under the pastorate of Elder Reed regular Sunday School and church services began  in September 1953.


In 1955, the church moved to 89 Oak Street and began to purchase the property. The church remained there for several years until the year 1964. Also in 1964, the New Hope Pentecostal Church was Incorporatedand the church moved from Oak Street to its' present location at 364 Central Street.


The church was in transition, it had changed location and soon there would be a change in leadership. Pastor Reed had become very ill and could no longer head the church. The then Elder Marion Ezekiel Shaw, who had come to New Hope as an assistant to Pastor Reed would take over the pastorate of the church in the next 18 months.


Bishop Marion E. Shaw served as pastor of the church faithfully and diligently for more than 40 years. Due to failing health he decided in January 2007 that he would retire from his position as pastor but not as Diocesan Bishop of the 20th Episcopal District. But one of his final decisions as Pastor was still to be made, who would be the next pastor of this beloved congregation?


"And I will give you pastors according to mine own heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."

Jeremiah 3:15 KJV


After much prayer, fasting and listening to the voice of God; Bishop Shaw revealed to the congregation that Elder Bruce Kevin Shaw (son of Bishop M.E. Shaw) would now lead Gods' people.


On Saturday, June 23, 2007 Elder Bruce K. Shaw was installed as Pastor of New Hope Pentecostal Church, Inc. of the P.A. of W where he guides and directs Gods' people until this day.


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